P & J Construtora

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+55 85 3077-2881
R. Tibúrcio Cavalcante, 3057 - Dionísio Torres, Fortaleza - CE, 60125-101, Brasil
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Parallels is a worldwide leader in virtualization and automation software that optimizes computing for consumers, businesses, and Cloud services providers across all major hardware, operating systems, and virtualization platforms.

For the Cloud, Parallels automation and virtualization software enables cloud services providers to rapidly and profitably deliver the widest range of cloud services that small businesses want and need. Our software includes key building blocks of cloud service delivery - self service control panels, billing, cloud service provisioning and virtualization. We enable the delivery of all types of services that small businesses need - shared web hosting and web applications, messaging and collaboration services, virtualized infrastructure services and thousands of other applications.

Our Automation products allow businesses to optimize their systems to maximize profit. Our Virtualization products allow personal computers to run several operating systems on one computer (like OSX and Windows) and for individual servers to function like many servers at once for creating cloud computing environments.

Parallels Plesk Panel provides several test pages that you can use for checking the scripting features, testing database connections and mail sending. Click an icon to see test pages for different scripts:

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